Facnor innovates by using a multi-engine system for the electric furling of the headsails. This range also has the advantage of being perfectly compatible in terms of dimensions with standard furlers and allowing an easy switch to the motorization.


⊕ Wired or radio remote (see options)
⊕ Strong and waterproof drive unit and no specific maintenance required
⊕ Optimized power
⊕ Low energy consumption & reduced noise level
⊕ Fitted over the existing forestay without cutting
⊕ Easy Switch : motorization Kit for converting manual (LS 165 à 330) into electric EC.
⊕ Available in 12 and 24V (except EC70 / 24V) with relay box
⊕ International 3-year warranty  (see our Terms of Sales)

Other benefits of the multi-motors system :

⊕ No need to manage a furling line

⊕ Foredeck clear for anchor (depending on configuration) or sheet handlings

Quite light compared to other models

EC MULTI-MOTORS FURLER : from 29 up to 48 ’ and more than 69’

EC Retro-fit EC LXEC Retro-fit

Simple upgrade from Facnor manual units (similar dimensions) to electric, by adding electric connexion. Depending on the configuration, it is therefore not necessary to change the sections and the swivel. In addition, its innovative concept – multi-motor – makes it more accessible in a comfort / price ratio


Complete kit includes :

– Electric furler with drive unit , link plates and toggle

– Section kit, swivel and halyard deflector wheel

Relay box

– Circuit breaker 30A (24V) / 60A (12V)

Motorization Kit (simple upgrade path from Facnor manual units) :

– Standard toggle and S/s link plates

– Relay box

– Circuit breaker 30A (24V) / 60A (12V)


Boat LengthForestay øSection / SwivelModel Ref.Forestay LengthPower / Rotation speed (max)Amperage /Voltage
9 to 12 m
29 to 39'
8 mmSX 39
/ C 39
EC 39
(12 / 24V)
14 m 50400 W
40 RPM
40 A / 12 V
20 A / 24V
10 mm*16 m 50
12 to 16 m
39 to 48'
12 mmSX 47
/ C 47
EC 47
(12 / 24V)
18 m 50800 W
55 RPM
40 A / 24 V
80 A / 12V
12,7 mm20 m 50
+21 m
+ 70'
19 mm*SX 53
/ C 600
EC 70
(24 V)
26 m 50 1500 W (24V)
60 RPM
80 A / 24 V
22 mm28 m 50
Remote control Option :
1/ wired or 2/ radio version : see options
RPM : Rotations per Minute
* Installation with swage rigging screw or "manual"

